It's good to have you here on I hope you find everything you're looking for while here. Above are some of my latest publications, as you've already seen. If you scroll down a little further, you can sign up for my newsletter or jump strait to various social media pages. As another little bonus I've dedicated a page listing free works related to my writing. To make navigation easier, I've made a point of avoiding nested pages aside from the the blog (which is slightly separated from the main site.
I post to the blog somewhat less regularly than previously. When I do post, it is often towards specific themes. Monday's focus on ecological issues and outdoor activities. Wednesdays I try to offer helpful advice to other writers. Friday is known as Fiction Friday and is largely flash fiction stories and writing prompts. Here and there I toss a few other topics on that interest me. If you'd like to check out my blog, click on the button below. Don't worry, it has a link back to the main website.
Compelling Inspiration